Saturday, 22 March 2014

Your Corporate Image

Your corporate image or the manner in which you present yourself to the public is of great significance. Starting from proper grooming to choosing the right outfit and your accessories. I believe also that choosing the appropriate colours will also impact not only how you project yourself but also your level of efficiency. As a Personal Image Consultant it is imperative that I present myself to my clients in a very professional manner at all times. Hence the reason we have all heard the term dressing for success.

When choosing your suit, choose something that compliments your body type. If you are not sure what is best suited for you, get your consultation done so that it would assist you in what to purchase. You may also want to wear colours that are conservative such as black, brown, navy and what compliments your skin tone. Do not wear clothes that are too tight. Remember you want to look as professional as possible.

Your jewelry should be conservative. It should not be dangling or noisy. Scarves can also add a nice touch to your suit. Wear shoes that are comfortable not those that you would wear to a party. You can either choose a purse to match your shoes or handbag. Finally you now 'tie' everything together with a conservative but classy hairstyle completed with proper makeup.

Remember to dress with Fi-nesse. Be unique. Like us on facebook.

Catherine <3

Sunday, 9 March 2014

Inspiration with Fashion: Have fun with your clothes

You don't have to be one-dimensional when it comes to dressing whether it's casual, formal or corporate. Let's look at corporate, for instance. Your black jacket does not necessarily have to be paired with black pants or skirt or you do not necessarily need to have a red purse to match your red suit.Have fun with colours and mix and match. I love to mix and match my colours. Of course when it comes to corporate wear you don't want to be too 'out there'. I have put together a few of my corporate looks from the House of Fi-nesse. :).

Remember keep accessories elegant and simple. Make up should be subtle and complimentary to skin tone. Some shades to consider based on skin tone could be as follows.

Remember to dress with Fi-nesse.
Fi-nesse Regal where you inspire the clothing.
Catherine <3

Sunday, 2 March 2014

The Beauty Within You

It is no secret that society has a myriad of what constitutes a beautiful woman or how a woman should project herself. I believe that a woman does not necessarily have to conform to such...but embrace her individuality and uniqueness that's  been given to her by God.

Projection is all about how you carry yourself. Embrace your uniqueness and be confident in that.
I do believe however, that as a woman it is important to love yourself. take care of yourself and be the best possible you if not at all times at least most times. :)... I know we do have our down days.

Here is a few things we can do to maintain or enhance what we already have:

Hydrate- yes, I know this is said to us so many times, that we sometimes get tired of hearing it. But truth be told, drinking sufficient water is vital (especially as we get older) as our skin tends to dry out. Water aids in preventing our skin from drying out thus keeping it moist which is vital for a youthful appearance. There are various products that can be used but I believe to use as much natural products as possible. One of my favourite is honey.

Exercise- I am guilty of not doing this as often as I should or would like. :). Exercise and fitness should be a lifestyle. It revs your metabolism and makes you look younger. (that's what we want :) )

Inhale- Take a moment to breathe. Sometimes we get so caught up with all the daily activities that we forget to slow down and take a moment to cherish and appreciate the beauty around us. (family, friends, the beach...).

Give Back- Being involved or giving of your time makes you feel good.

Love yourself- It does not matter what anyone says or thinks about you. Be positive and love yourself.

The fountain of beauty is the heart and every generous thought illustrates the walls of your chamber. (Francis Quarles).

Remember to dress with Fi-nesse- where you inspire the clothing.

Catherine <3

Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Motivating yourself to get back up after being knocked down

How many of us can relate to falling many times? Falling in terms of working so hard to be successful and when you think everything is going great, suddenly life throws something at you and knocks you down. Well I am not exempted, that has been my experience the last few weeks.

Tired and demotivated I wondered whether I could make it has an entrepreneur, and not to mention the personal challenges. One in particular, where my father lost his leg in the fight against diabetes. I felt empty. I did not even know what to write about.

I always believe in sharing my passion. I am no writer and I am still learning but I love to write from my heart.

Today I just thought I would share on how to motivate yourself to get back up after being knocked down. Just a few tips that I am applying to my own life. Maybe in some small way it may assist you as well.

As an entrepreneur one of the first things I decided to do is to stop being hard on myself. Sometimes if I shared something on one of the social media sites and no one liked it, I would feel like I failed, like I did something wrong. However, I have learnt that not everyone will like what you do and that is ok. Also success is a journey, just the fact that I decided to write is in fact a success :). The truth is everything takes time it is not going to happen overnight.

The next thing I did was instead of always shutting away from people and being on my laptop, I decided to connect with people that can elevate me. It is ok to ask for help. Surrounding yourself with positive and successful individuals can help you feel better about yourself. Their positive support and encouragement will assist you in wanting to achieve and to do your best one day at a time.

This next motivator is very important. Get up and do something. It can be as simple as going for a walk, joining the gym or just doing something to help someone. Moving about helps you feel better both physically and mentally. I have learnt  also that when we start to focus on others our own situations suddenly looks pale in comparison. Knowing that you have contributed to putting a smile on the face of someone automatically puts a smile on your own face. :)

Well I hope this put a smile on your face. Remember the journey is not for the swiftest but for those who endure. Have a productive day and remember to dress with Fi-nesse.
Be Unique Catherine <3

Thursday, 20 June 2013

Inspiration with Fashion- My Passion

Today I wanted to share with you a little about my passion. The world today as we know can be a very cold and loveless place and almost each person has experienced some sort of pain in their life. When I reflect on my own life I am not exempt. This made me want to attempt to make a difference so I started a support group for women and yes this is where my passion lies. At the end of the day I am drained but content. Content in knowing that I made someone smile or gave them hope.
I am also actively involved in a few charities that includes assisting children and women who are or have been abused. (

Someone once said our deepest pain empowers us to grow into our highest self. I believe that no matter what we may have experienced, with love and support or self-determination we can achieve anything that we want. :)

I do not want any reward or accolades my joy comes from seeing the smile on the faces of these beautiful and amazing individuals. It does not take much to transform or empower someone all it takes is a compassionate heart.

If each of us can take the time to reach one individual then we would have accomplished our objectives. As individuals in particular women let us continue to unite and support each other not just for ourselves but for the future generation.

Be empowered and have an amazing day.

Catherine <3

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Inspiration with Fashion- Appropriate dressing for the office party

Office parties can occur at various times throughout the year. The important thing to remember if you are attending, is dress to impress but still maintain your professional dignity. This is very important because when the party is over, you still have to go back to the office and you do not want to give anyone an opportunity to be talking negatively about you.

You want to wear something that is classy but not trashy. Please do not wear skirts that are too short or tops that reveals too much cleavage. Also try not to wear colours that are too bright where you tend to stand out. Wearing darker colours is more appropriate and blends well. Of course you want to wear shoes that are appropriate but comfortable. Keep the flip flops for the beach :)

It is ok to have fun but you still have to maintain your professionalism. Try and avoid clothes that are trending. Not because a famous movie star is wearing something means you have to wear it as well.

Knowing the culture of your company can also help you. For instance if your colleagues are classy, you may want to wear classy  and so on.

Remember 'beauty is not in the face; beauty is a light in the heart.' Kahlil Gibran.

Be Unique  Catherine <3

Sunday, 9 June 2013

Inspiration with Fashion: The importance of proper office etiquette

How many of us have worked in an office or continues to work in an office and are sometimes appalled at the behavior of some of our co-workers?Today I would like to share with you a little on proper office etiquette. I believe that it is very important to carry ourselves and behave in a professional manner at all times. Office etiquette is all those positive values that we bring to that environment. It goes beyond common courtesies like good morning. It is about having integrity and being thoughtful and respectful to others.

Remember you have to' co-habit' with a group of people for eight hours or more so you want to ensure that there is a good 'harmonial' relationship in order to achieve the company's objectives. I know sometimes this might be a bit challenging because you have to work with individuals of varying personalities and there may be times when they can get on your nerves. However once you do what you have to you would be amazed as to how others would respect and support you.

One of the things you do not want to do is show up late for work. This tends to indicate a lack of respect not just for others but also yourself. Also by showing up late may have others questioning your reliability as it pertains to the job.

Another thing you do not want to do is use inappropriate language. It is really distasteful to hear swear words in an office environment or any environment for that matter. Please do not shout across the office as though you are in a field. Use soft tones to communicate.

This is the one that gets me the most. Inappropriate dressing. Please keep the dangle earrings, flip flops, too short or extremely tight attire out of the office. You want to dress in a manner that is professional. A manner that reflects good leadership qualities.

Therefore maintain your focus and complete the objectives.

"Make the most of yourself, for that is all there is of you." Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Remember to dress with Fi-nesse.. Be unique. Catherine <3